IANS Mission Statement

IANS mission is to provide a forum for individuals with a broad spectrum of background, viewpoints and geographic origin, an exchange of ideas and dissemination of knowledge regarding the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of anal neoplasia.

In support of this mission IANS will:

  • Develop position papers regarding the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of anal neoplasia.
  • Represent the consensus opinion of IANS regarding the above topics to other professional societies, public organizations, regulatory authorities and governmental bodies.
  • Encourage the development of a robust research agenda on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, treatment and prevention of anal neoplasia.
  • Develop educational materials and conduct training courses that encourage the entry of a broad spectrum of clinicians into the field of anal neoplasia, and that furthers the development and depth of skills of clinicians needed to optimally diagnose, treat and prevent anal neoplasia.
  • Develop educational materials for patients with anal neoplasia.

The International Anal Neoplasia Society

P.O. Box 1543
Leesburg, Virginia 20177


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